How It Works & Pricing
The duration of this course is 12 months, with 6 hours of lectures a week. These 6 hours will be taught over two days, each lesson being 3 hours. This leaves you time to implement the teachings, while working on assignments in between lessons. The course will be taught in English and mostly online, through the use of a Discord channel. And every once in two weeks we will come together for a lesson at a central location in Amsterdam.
When you are learning how to program, you get the best learning experience when there is a good balance between being mentored and training yourself. Therefore, after each lesson, I will give out homework to work on in the coming week. This will be a way to practice what you have learned so far, but the homework is also designed to:
- learn to start thinking like a programmer,
- improve your researching skills.
Creating your Portfolio
Starting from the second month, you will be assigned a different project to work on every month. These assignments are real world projects that challenge you to come up with solutions to real world software development problems.
Working on these assignments will allow you to use all the knowledge that you have learned so far. They will also help you understand how a big software product is brought together and how each piece of it makes sense in the bigger picture. With this knowledge you will learn how to create software architecture that is optimized for a specific problem.
They will not only prepare you for the real world, but another great benefit of these projects is that they will help you to create your portfolio. So that, after you graduate, you will have many different projects to present in your job interviews.
Scoring & Graduation
The requirements to graduate are to complete all the lessons in the course and acquire a minimum score.
You earn points by completing the assignments and with the quality of your code in these assignments.
In order to graduate, a student&s score average should, at the end of the course, be greater than or equal to 1.8.
The scoring for weekly and monthly assignments works like this:
- An unfinished assignment earns a student 1 point. This means, when a start was made, but not all the requirements that were asked for were implemented.
Presenting an assignment in this stage, that some part of the program works, but not all of it, earns a student 1 point. - A finished assignment earns a student 2 points. The assignment is completed with all the requirements and the code works.
- A finished assignment with extra features earns a student 3 points. With every assignment, a few "bonus" features will be suggested too. These bonus features are not mandatory to implement, but when implemented a student will receive one extra point.
- If the assignment is not done, no points are given.
At the end of the courses, a student's final score is calculated like this:
W = (35% of the weekly assignments) / 48
M = (65% of the monthly assignments) / 11
A student's W + M score needs to be greater than or equal to 1.8 in order to graduate.
After graduation, you will receive a certificate, stating the duration of your training and the programming languages and topics that have been studied.
Interview Preparation
Coming closer to the end of our course, we will look at how to prepare yourself for the technical interviews that are an important part of job interviews for developers. There are certain things company’s want to see when considering a job candidate, so we will explore strategies on how to use your newly acquired skills to impress employers, how to crack the technical interview and how to mentally prepare yourself for it all.
Mentoring After Graduation
Having graduated from the course is the first step towards your career as a frontend developer. The second step being to find yourself a job opportunity. After you graduate, I will mentor you for as long as you need to make sure that you start off well. For there are some things that you can really only learn and experience in a job. For example, solving problems as a team and building good working relationships. I will be there for help with these and other topics while you start your career as a developer.
This course teaches you to become a fully trained front end developer. With real world assignments and the opportunity to create your portfolio so you are ready to hit the job market after graduation. In addition to that free of charge mentoring in your first job.
The first month is a trial period. After the first month you decide whether this course is for you or not. At the end of the first month, if you decide not to continue, you will not be charged anything. When you decide to continue, you have two options.
Option 1: The costs for this course will be € 500 per month. The course duration being 12 months, making the total price of the course € 6000. If you decide to discontinue, you can do so at any time, and you won't be charged for the remaining duration of the course
Option 2: After the first month, if a student decides to make a contract of commitment, they will receive a 10% discount. The price of the course will then be € 5400, € 450 paid monthly. However, with this option, you can not leave the course unless you have a very urgent reason and proof of it.